x-mas 2021 #7
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- Stacks
- x-mas 2021 #7
- x-mas 2021 #7
- Stack 21 (Uncommon)
- Minted 1919 of 1919
- Template #389482
- Created 12/6/2021 9:14 AM UTC
- Prev.: №20 x-mas 2021 #6
- Next: №22 x-mas 2021 #8
- This is the 7th of 24 monKeystacks released and distributed through the cryptomonKeys 2021 x-mas calendar events! Join the cryptomonKeys discord server for a chance on getting one every day, and collect them all: https://chat.cryptomonkeys.cc
- Market: AtomicHub
- Hi-Res image: IPFS