Card 75: Gingerbread monKey

Buy for Banano without buying WAX.

  • Card №: 75
  • Name: Gingerbread monKey
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Max Mint: 19
  • Supply: 19
  • Template: #407033

Current sale offers, available in Banano

Banano prices (below) are auto-converted from WAX using CoinGecko data, 1 WAX = 10.93 BAN.
You should negotiate with seller for final price.

  • Mint #12 for ~54085.9 BAN (4949 WAX)
  • Mint #17 for ~76161.7 BAN (6969 WAX)
  • Mint #18 for ~184792.5 BAN (16909 WAX)

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